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Preparing for an On-Campus Interview


So you’ve taken all of our advice and now you’re preparing for your interview—bonus: it’s right here on campus! The company obviously likes you and thinks you’re qualified – so how do you make the most out of your interview? Follow these tips to prepare, and hopefully ace, this opportunity.

Prepare All of Your Materials

It seems simple, but having all of your materials prepared can show employers that you are organized and offer you some peace of mind. Having copies of your resume, cover letter, and questions ready to go for the interviewers and your own personal use is a worthwhile step in preparation.

Prepare Follow up Questions

At the end of every interview you’ll get the opportunity to talk with your interviewer or company representative, and this is a crucial step in the process. They’ll expect you to ask questions, so make sure you come with a few prepared! Ask questions about the position, the company, or even the area that you’d be living. Not only does asking questions give you deeper insight, it shows you’re interested. 

Learn More about the Job

If you were (somehow) offered an on-campus interview without knowing much about the company, now is the time you start researching. If you’ve been taking our advice and know a bit about the company through the process, make sure to go over everything beforehand. Brush up on recent positive company news, research their values, and review the company website. The more information you have about the company, the less chance of you being surprised during the interview.

Confirm Communication and Information

It’s a simple step, but double check all of the emails and communication the recruiter or representative has sent to you before the interview. Make sure you are heading to the correct location on campus at the correct time. Take note of check-in instructions and be sure to let someone know when you arrive to your location. Nerves and logistics don’t always get along well, so taking the time to confirm everything can help ensure you’re confident when the interview comes. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

All of the prep in the world means nothing if you don’t take the time to practice. Think through your answers, your interactions, and even your greeting. Practice some of your answers with a friend, family member, or even your pet. Having to explain your answers to someone else may help you see any issues or odd wording that you wouldn’t have noticed. Better to get it out in a safe space than during an interview. Need a quick, 5-minute review of interview strategies? Consider practicing with Big Interview and keyword search “Interview” under “Career Center” > “Resources” in Handshake for additional preparation resources.

Take a Deep Breath and Be Yourself

Remember, you were invited to an on-campus interview because the company thinks you could be a good fit. Prepare, be yourself, and give it your best shot!

“I will prepare and come day my chance will come.” – Abraham Lincoln